It seems to have been a week of deadlines. From making cakes, writing a story, coding apps, making sure my galley proofs for my book were fine before it gets sent to the printers, phoning Durham up to convince them that a bill they sent to the house is no longer our responsibility, and the dreaded macarons, there’s been time-limits all over the place. I’m looking forward to a more laid-back week to come. Though having said that, it’s rewarding to get everything done (and while I curse their existence while making them, the macarons are popular! Also, it was a birthday request for a friend I hadn’t seen in quite a while, so how could I say no?)
And, a by-product of the weekend’s baking: salted caramel ganache. You will see it again, trust me.
Things are a-foot in Durham as well. The DIY area of the city, centred on Rigsbee Avenue, has been the place for food trucks to hang up their berth for the past few years. We knew that things were going to be changing with the opening of The Pit next to Fullsteam sometime this Autumn, but this week, the other shoe dropped: Motorco is going to be serving food shortly, too. Given that Kokyu seems to be anchored to Motorco almost every evening of the week, we were wondering what was going to happen to them. Then, the other other shoe dropped (yes, three legs!): Kokyu is about to launch a Kickstarter to set up a restaurant and commissary kitchen somewhere in Downtown Durham.
While a restaurant doesn’t seem too crazy, another commissary kitchen that close to The Cookery is a little surprising. We’re also wondering just where in downtown they plan to put all this, given that trucks are going to need quite a bit of space for parking. If only the old bus station was still available…