What Ian Did Next

The rest of the trip was a bit of a blur, to be honest. Arriving back at RDU to find the Triangle blanketed in snow, I spent Thursday and Friday trying to get a little shopping done, finding myself getting hit on by a waitress, coming across an abandoned iPod in the middle of a parking lot (which I managed to return to its rightful owner), posting a package of food chemicals back home, and of course, walking back and forth along Franklin Street a lot. It's what I do. Oh, I also put a pound coin in a time capsule for 2059, and finally saw Jim Henson's Time Piece. I probably did more in three days than I do in a month back home...

But the main event was the beginning of 'Nikkitown', a week-long event that celebrates Nikki's birthday. As she didn't have the best time last year, we were determined to make sure that this time would be amazing. I was only involved on the periphery, but I helped make the "Cake-Pie-Cake" that was the centrepiece of Saturday's party.

But what is a "Cake-Pie-Cake", I hear you ask? Silly things. It's essentially a sponge cake, except instead of jam or icing separating the layers, there's an entire pie. Yes. And then it's completely covered in chocolate icing. It is a thing of beauty. And it's exclusive to Nikkitown. At least for the moment!

Oh, and I must mention the present that everybody got for me. A clock! But not just any clock: it's a clock with Helvetica numbers on it. They know me so well.

As ever, sad to leave, though this time did have a five hour drive to the airport that I won't be repeating any time soon (thank you so much, Stacie!). But as ever, I will return…
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