The most amusing part of this election so far has been the increase of hysteria within the ranks of Fox News, which marches in time with the rise of Obama's polling numbers. If you know a little about the channel's leanings, you'd expect Fox to be quite biased towards McCain, but in the last couple of months all remaining semblance of impartiality has been thrown out the window. As seen by their almost 24/7 recital of Republican talking points about ACORN, they're no longer carrying water, but trying to divert oceans. You can't watch for more then ten minutes without a mention of ACORN, Bill Ayers, or this current weekend's favourite: 'Obama's socialism'.
Watching a news channel in a brazen panic over the possibility of a liberal majority in both elected branches of the US Government is both disturbing and yet incredibly funny. You have to laugh, because otherwise you start yelling at the television asking where they were in 2002 when the GOP got their majority. Or that a non-retouched photo of Sarah Palin is perhaps not a 'slap in the face to all women'. Or just staring open-mouthed as people make a serious suggestion that ACORN is responsible for the current financial meltdown.
Still, it remains compelling viewing - if only because it seems bizarre that a news network can act like this. Or for days like this morning, straight after the breaking news of the Powell endorsement was announced. The look of horror on the Fox & Friends presenters was priceless. For a minute, they just looked completely stunned. Eventually, they pulled themselves together and started laying out the attack lines on the man they lionised for many years. Just another morning on Fox & Friends.
Also, at this point, I'm starting to think that Obama has enough money to carve his logo into the moon...