Unfortunately, I only remembered the camera towards the end of today's sweet making. Sorry!
Anyway, what I was trying to do was recreate the York Peppermint Pattie, something that kept me going on many a TA office hours morning at UNC. Turns out they're fairly simple to make: you pour half a can of condensed milk into a stand mixer, add some peppermint extract and then beat in enough icing sugar to turn the mixture into a dough. And enough to cover the kitchen in a fine dust. Ahem.
The dough is then rolled out onto a cookie sheet (well, okay, I used a silicon mat instead) and placed into the freezer for about ten-fifteen minutes. While it's freezing, why not melt some dark chocolate? Doesn't have to be too fancy; I used 60% cocoa baking chocolate. Anyway, after the dough has been in the freezer for a while, pull it out (it should be quite stiff). Take a brush and paint a layer of chocolate onto the dough.
Put it back into the freezer for another fifteen minutes or so, then flip it over and paint the other side. Back in the freezer again, and then cut out the patties!
While I was making the first batch, I thought that I should probably do something with the rest of the condensed milk. I still had a huge amount of icing sugar left, so I could make another batch fairly easily, but I had the idea of replacing the peppermint with strawberry flavouring. So strawberry patties were made too!