(a skyscraper office somewhere in Purchase, New York)
SUIT 1: Morning, everybody. Where's Rick?
(Rick comes in, drinking from a Pepsi Max bottle)
SUIT 1: Rick, take a seat. We're going to need you today.
SUIT 2: As you know, Coca-Cola has been upping their game recently.
(SUIT 1 presses a button on his laptop and a bottle of Coke Blãk appears on the whiteboard)
SUIT 2: Took us totally by surprise. Coke mixed with Coffee! And what did we have in response?
(sighing): Pepsi Twist.
SUIT 2: Exactly. Pepsi Fucking Twist. We didn't stand a chance.
SUIT 1: We need ideas. The next level. The new 'it'.
SUIT 3: Why don't we bring back Pepsi Blue?
(SUIT 1, SUIT 2, and RICK stare at SUIT 3)
(SUIT 3 stands up and walks out of the open window)
SUIT 2: Still, perhaps we need a new color.
RICK: Yellow? Done. Red? Done. Black…Done. Green?
SUIT 2: Yeah,
Pepsi: Green. With a hard colon. That's the stuff.
RICK: It needs something more. An edge. Something unique.
SUIT 1: Apple-flavoured Pepsi?
SUIT 2: No, no, it needs to be something that no-one would expect.
RICK: But it still has to say
Pepsi: Green.
SUIT 2: Hard colon.
RICK: So hard it beats up all the other colons and turns them into full stops.
SUIT 1: What?
RICK: I mean periods.
SUIT 1: Ah.
SUIT 2: Something green. Something new...
RICK: Cucumber.
(SUIT 1 and SUIT 2 look at Rick, mouths hanging open)
SUIT 1: That's insane!
SUIT 2: How could that possibly work?
(SUIT 1 and SUIT 2 exchange a look)
SUIT 1: That's it!
SUIT 2: It makes Coke Blãk seem boring!
Pepsi Ice Cucumber. Clear bottle. Shards of glass on the label. Cool. Edgy.
SUIT 1: We're gonna sell a million!
SUIT 2: Rick, you've done it again.
(Rick gets up)
RICK: All in a day's work. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to Andrex to pitch toffee-flavoured toilet paper…
currently playing: Björk – Declare Independence