Movable Type 4: With a Whimper

I must say that I'm surprised that the web hasn't been more enthusiastic about the new release of Movable Type this week. I read a fair few computer blogs, and they're either trying to continue pointless format wars (Atom is simply better. Please, let's move on) or talking about Erlang. Or explaining why Ron Paul is the man to lead America forward (fine if you really want a borderline racist and conspiracy theorist in the White House, I guess). But very little on Movable Type 4, a release that we've been waiting on for what seems like years.

I said a few months ago that I'd create a new design for the site when I upgrade to MT4. That's still the plan, but I'm waiting for the MT4 GPL release later in the year (so I can use the blog for commercial purposes without breaking the licence), but I have installed it on a test server so I can work on the new design there. So far, it looks much better than MT2/3; AJAX-y goodness all over the place in the web interface, a snapshot of the current site with imported without a hitch, and it all runs off a svelte SQLite database. Looking good so far.

currently playing: The New Pornographers – Mass Romantic