You may remember the time where I tried Mountain Dew: Code Red, or Pepsi: Blue. Or have heard about the epic quest for Coke Blãk, which resulted in failure when we actually found it. My God. Or Arctic Green Apple, the only Kool-Aid flavour designed to taste like a simulation of hydrochloric acid.
Well, because I never learn:

Coca-Cola. With Orange.
Full marks for the packaging, obviously. It's not as imposing as the EVIL OK of Blãk, but the opaque bottle gives it an air of mystery. And I love a mystery. Depressingly, though, it's not orange when poured, just the standard black fizz with an orange sherbet type of smell.
It tastes a bit like watered-down Fanta but with a few fizzy coke bottles from the Woolworth's pick'n'mix thrown in. Not as vile as the hideous Coke Blãk, but a long way away from the heights of Diet Coke with Cherry, current drink of Champions.
Update: gets very sickly after the third mouthful. Ewww…