LAURA: So, have you eaten today?In fairness, the Mexican meal we ended up having could have fed an army. Yesterday, then, I made up for the earlier Target Misadventures of April. I made it from Carrboro to Laura's house in Durham without getting lost once; the only trouble was waiting for the TTA and DATA buses to and from New Hope Commons. Hurrah! I spent most of the day in Durham, meeting a still quite sick Laura and a on-her-way-to-getting-sick Naomi. There was chatter, Little Miss Sunshine, and much other fun. Plus, I finally got to find out where Laura works and what she does! Afterwards, I had another mini-adventure, walking over to Christa's apartment for a night of gin, jewellery, and silent films from the 1920s. A very enjoyable Saturday night, there. Umm, and at some point, I guess I will start taking pictures of people…
IAN: Um, I think I had six or so tic-tacs earlier.