

Because I'm still off work and getting annoyed with myself for being so. Hopefully, Mr. Doctor will help tomorrow.

But! Three entertainment pieces ingested today. And three mini-reviews!

  • Planetary #26

    Hahahahahahahahaha. No.

  • Seven Soldiers #1

    Simply stunning to look at; definitely one of the most beautifully designed comics I've ever read. However, it has to be said that Grant's attempt to create the comic equivalent of a Rubik's Cube means that it's not as straight-forward and entertaining as it could have been.

  • The Wire: Season 4 Episode 13

    There are few words. And indeed there must only be few, for I risk being battered to death if I reveal the ending of this series. Quite possibly the greatest American TV drama ever made. And if anything, I'm underselling it.

currently playing: Electronic – Get The Message

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