
I do feel like I've been neglecting the blog in the past week. I offer my humble apologies; it's not as if I've been lacking for ideas, but I just haven't had the time to write anything, giving that I've been watching season 2 of Gilmore Girls any time that I can. But! Here's what you've missed so far:

  • A guide to the HMV sale, pointing out that if you're interested in picking up back catalogue from either New Order or Madonna (or both! Go crazy!), then the current sale is good news, but for everything else, it's a rather familiar line-up of titles.
  • How I fell in love with Radiohead's Talk Show Host again.
  • A discussion about Doctor Who and how, aside from last week's slight mis-step (I don't mind if it attempts to do something different. In fact, I'm glad. I would just prefer it not to end up being rubbish, that's all), the second half of this series has been quite strong. That would lead into talking about Fear Her, and how the show is really good when it's using children for maximum creepy effect (see also: The Curse of Fenric; the only thing I really remember about that story is the hot goth vampire girls killing Nicholas Parsons because his cross wouldn't work without belief).
  • Part one of an occasional series on Albums That Don't Quite Suck As Much As People Say, which I will save for another time.
  • A worrying post about how I hope I don't crawl into my shell when meeting everybody for the Shimura Curves gig tomorrow afternoon
  • A selection of YouTube TOTP links, including Tiffany (she had such a formative effect on me, it seems).
  • How Opera DS could be the greatest thing in the history of mankind. And possibly treekind as well. Oh, sure the trees look innocent and, well, stumpy, but behind our backs they've already invented faster-than-light travel and made an alliance with our eventual Squirrel Overlords.

So there you go. I hope you forgive me!

currently playing: Madonna – Like A Prayer