Lipstick Lesbian Batwoman! How Progressive!

Also mentioned is “the Great Ten”, a Chinese-government controlled/sponsored superhero team making their debut next month in 52. According to the article, the team includes, "the Celestial Archer, with ties to Chinese mythology; Mother of Champions, who can give birth to a litter of 25 super-soldiers about every three days; and Seven Deadly Brothers, a martial arts expert who can divide into many."

They've let Grant Morrison loose again.

It's almost four years since I started this blog. Which is rather scary. Every now and then, I get the urge to give it a rather radical make-over. It hasn't really changed much since 2002, aside from the photo-strip down the right and the change from using a Helvetica knock-off to Gill Sans for the title (and the body text too, if you're lucky enough to have Gill Sans on your system). Two years ago, I thought about redesigning to a vintage, McSweeneys-like layout. One year ago, I came up with a design for making the site based around a 9x9 grid with fancy comic stylings.

As you can see, I didn't really get around to it. And I'm drawing a blank on new ideas just now. But I thought I'd give you a warning: things may change around here. Although they probably won't.

In what may be a precursor to the update, or not, I've finally signed up to Go! Behold my current listening choices, and mock me!

currently playing: Bruce Haack – Incantation