Yet, even with a messenger bag, I think my unironic love of Hilary Duff will probably save me from the clutches of hipsterdom. That, and I'd just feel silly as one.
Today! Fun and games with the bank! I got a shiny new debit card yesterday from my American bank, so I decided to dump all my traveller's cheques into my account this morning. Afterwards, I tried to check my balance. "Invalid transaction or account". Jeepers. I tried a different ATM, but with the same result. So, after a quick (when I say 'quick', I mean 'expensive') visit to the comic shop, I went back to the bank, begged them to help me, and they did! Apparently, my account was marked as dormant, and this was causing the trouble. It should be active again in the next 24 hours. Something of a relief seeing as how it now contains all my dollar currency. And they let me have a raspberry lollipop too!
That brings us to a side point - why are raspberry things blue? It seems a little strange. Christa and I have a theory that the strawberries and cherries got there first and wouldn't let the raspberries into the red house, but if you know an actual reason, I'm sure we'd love to hear it before discarding it in favour of our 'evil fruit' hypothesis.
Then! An afternoon in Battle Park, writing sentences on index cards. Because I do that sort of thing. Do you?
We are apparently promised sexy gypsy dancing tonight. I will keep you posted.