I'm Confused.

About a great many things. But! This afternoon, we'll concentrate on the most recent: Pit Preachers! Redux!

They just fascinate me; while we often get people with loudhailers yelling tracts in the bigger cities, you don't often see an organised, rolling tour of universities that these people put together. They stand they all day, abusing the students (who, it must be said, give as much as they get), making curious leaps in logic (today's example: "If you believe in evolution, then you support paedophiliacs!), and generally not being very successful in converting anybody.

You have to wonder why they continue to show up, abuse and get abused, with nothing to show at the end of the day except a tired throat. Surely, their energies could be better applied elsewhere?

Tomorrow! Kavi comes to town! Hurrah! And Neko Case! And then the weekend…oh my…

currently playing: Betty Boo - Leave Me Alone