I Love You, But I've Chosen Darkness didn't quite live up to that name. Mind you, in order to do that, they would have to have been a three-piece girl band with guitars and songs about vodka, rusted kisses and laddered tights, so I wasn't too surprised when they turned out to be a post-rock band from Austin. They were good; I probably wouldn't have bought a t-shirt, but come on, I LOVE YOU, BUT I'VE CHOSEN DARKNESS. It had to be done.
Mandy and Josh left on Monday morning, so our group is now a little smaller. But they're moving back here later in the year…and Stacie is coming back to the fold today! Hurrah.
I did have lots of curious comments and amusing anecdotes about the size of the cheesecake in The Cheesecake Factory and other various bits of American culture that I could make witty asides about, but I've forgotten them all. Which makes me useless as a travel writer, really.
But! I'm in Laura and Collin's apartment now, so no more late night scurrying back to Durham. Instead, I'm now firmly in the Carrboro bubble! I sense several more late nights at OCSC in my near future…