I Love 2005: Take Me Out For The Pop Set

Girls Aloud — Biology

Why don't you FOOL me
FEED me, say you NEED me
without wicked games
Come on and HOLD me
HUG me, say you LOVE me
and not my dirty brain

I don't really need to say anymore.

(Oi! You're not getting away that easily! — Ed.)

Yes, it really is two songs bolted together in a scenario that Dr. Frankenstein could only admire. But when the bolt of lightning that is the chorus finally hits home, you can hear the giggling sound of Brian Higgins in the background, screaming "IT'S ALIVE!" as ver Aloud delve into Spice Up Your Life territory. Irresistible, unstoppable, and the best UK single of the year.

(Two things though: "I've got one Alabama return / That'll take me far away from you / Because when you take me in my arms / I turn to slave I can't be saved" Erm, yes, slightly dodgy Alabama/slave juxtaposition there, girls. Secondly: have Girls Aloud ever made a video that isn't complete bobbins?)

currently playing: Girls Aloud – Biology