I think it's amusing, that after all these years, the Super Furry Animals still close their sets with The Man Don't….
So hurrah! Yes, I saw SFA at the Cradle last night. And, what's more! I went to a concert with other people! SHOCK (Admittedly, of the three concerts I've been to this year, only one was by myself, but it's still a novelty to me)! It's a little odd, having to accommodate other people; if it was just myself, I would have turned up when the doors opened and spent an hour or so just hanging around before things began. This time, Collin, Christa, and I didn't turn up until Manitoba/Caribou were doing their penultimate song of the night. Thankfully though, it was Crayon, so a very good point to arrive.
SFA are one of those bands that while I've always liked, I've never really got into them in any depth. Of all their albums, I only own Fuzzy Logic and have only bought three or four singles. I don't know, they just passed me by a little. They do put on a fun live show, though, with Power Ranger masks, chemical suits, a motorcycle on stage, and a video display that shows footage from the town they're currently in, which was nice touch. I think I may have been one of the only people in the audience to get the 'Bishop Brennan' joke, sadly. Still, good times were had.
But! Things didn't quite end there, as we met up with Esther, who wanted to watch the New Order DVD that I had bought earlier in the holiday. So it was back to Laura's for a New Order Dance Party. Yes. Stop laughing. That lasted until about 3am, at which point Collin retired to his room so he could grab some sleep before going to work later in the morning (in the end, he was a little late, but the sentiment was there), while Christa and I were left to fight out which couches we were going to sleep on. A fun night, which I guess shows you that I might be bipolar.
And it's Laura's birthday today!