Just finished watching the Time Shift documentary of Russell T. Davies, and I've discovered that he's responsible for even more of my childhood viewing than I originally thought. Besides the peerless Dark Season serial (which I loved so much that my first submission to the BBC's drama department stole one character completely outright. Because you can never have enough blond-haired, evil guys in sunglasses. I was saving the lesbian dominatrixes for the second series, though), he also wrote for On The Waterfront (yes, he did the redubbed scripts for The Flashing Blade), Breakfast Serials, and something that I've suspected for years: he changed Why Don't You from a dull, Blue Peter-lite format into a show where children defeated the evil supercomputer in the basement using the power of Shake'n'Vac.
(Sometimes, I think I'm the only person who remembers that, so it was nice to see footage so I can prove it really happened)
(Plus! Queer as Folk! Which I suppose I should watch someday…)
And now, he's writing Doctor Who! And! IS THAT A UNIT STORY I SEE COMING OUR WAY?