A Slight Return

Whatever that was, I hope I don't get it again anytime soon. Today is the first day since Saturday night that I feel like a human. And I can eat things again! Let's not under-estimate the fun of being able to eat…

Having said that, I'm still not back completely. So, how about a few links just to be going on with?

Google Maps! It's probably useful, but it's also great fun!

Because…well, I guess somebody thought it was necessary - the 5.25" disk sleeve archive!

Words failed.

I'm not entirely convinced by the new series of Look Around You. In both episodes so far, there's been a few points where I've smiled (the Spectrum loading signal sound effect in the Health episode, for example), but it's just not as funny as the 10-minute first series. Or funny at all, in places. A shame. However, the website is worth a visit; it has quizzes, extra information, and, of course, the countdown to the live finale.

Off to blow my nose again for the 500th time today…

currently playing: Saturday Looks Good To Me – Until The World Stop Spinning