The Ravings of A Fanboy

So, Smallville. The first episode of the (fourth?) season has just finished. First annoyance — the writers have finally succumbed to introducing Lois Lane. I had a feeling they wouldn't be able to resist. But it's dumb. Lois has always, always, been part of Clark's Metropolis life, and not his Smallville days. It makes little sense, as a big part of the Superman mythos is the initial mistrust between her and this 'hayseed' from the country.

But whatever. I can grumble quietly about that.

Having Clark Kent appear naked before Lois, without glasses, and using super-strength? Uh-huh. You don't think that she might, just might, remember five years later when a guy with an S-shield turns up in Metropolis and — hey look! Clark's just started working for the Daily Planet!

And the constant references to the films are tiresome. This week, Margot Kidder! And yes, hahahaha, she says she had a relationship with Dr. Swan (Christopher Reeve) "in a different life." DO YOU SEE! SHE WAS LOIS! AND HE WAS SUPERMAN! And she's saying it to the actress who played Lana Lang in Superman III! Who's now playing Clark's mother! Even Oedipus didn't have as many issues!

I should really stop watching.

currently playing: New Order — Krafty