Things I Learnt In Florida

  • We passed the Bush/Cheney motorcade. Two hours later, mum became very ill. Coincidence? I think not.
  • The Orlando Wal-Marts are dimly lit and almost entirely populated by rude British people.
  • The iPod is a wondrous thing to behold.
  • Chocolate Fudge PopTarts are the Breakfast of Champions
  • More girls should wear Say Anything and Invader Zim t-shirts.
  • You can stay a week in Orlando and not visit the downtown area.
  • Lego makes Advent calendars.
  • Planet Hollywood censors music videos.
  • Just how The Sure Thing ends.
  • Americans don't understand the concept of queuing, going as far as cutting across grass verges on the I-4 to get to another road.
  • A visitor's flea market is not the same as the real thing.
  • Alligators will follow you when you're not looking.
  • Diving underwater is not good for your nose, especially when you're in the 3ft end.
  • Even teddy bears look fierce when dressed in leather and sitting atop a Harley-Davidson…

currently playing: Kenickie — Come Out 2nite (Peel Session)