Your Daily Hate

I think that most people's problem with Fox News is the hypocrisy. If they'd just drop their cries of 'fair and balanced', admitted that each anchor has a shrine to Newt Gingrich and Richard Nixon in the corner of their dressing rooms, and that they sacrifice an unsuspecting intern each month as an offering to Mammon, people would respect them more.

In other news, parts of the Bush Administration are looking to pass the Enabling Act. The Family shall rule for a thousand years! I really, really don't see why this is necessary. America elected FDR in 1944, Abraham Lincoln held elections in 1864 while the Civil War was still raging, and in 1814, midterm elections took place, even though the British had just burned the White House to the ground. He's what Lincoln had to say when advisors suggested postponing the elections:

We can not have free government without elections; and if the rebellion could force us to forego, or postpone a national election it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us.

And finally for today, it appears that the US Government is pushing for Pakistan to capture "High Value Targets" during the last few days of July (there's something going on in Boston that weekend, apparently). Some days, you think that you're being too cynical, that despite everything, there's got to be something of redeemable value hidden within. And on days like this, you realise that there isn't.

currently playing: Nina Nastasia — Oh, My Stars