Breakfast at Caribou Coffee, because I'd never been there before (I think I'm down to one last coffee shop that I haven't been in - the Open Eye in Carrboro), and then walking around campus trying to find somewhere to write. I settled on a patch of grass near Morehead Planetarium. I spent a while attempting to write, but all that would come out was gibberish and backwards text, to I went walking again, spending an hour going around the arboretum (for those of you who know the place, erm, yes, but there was a reason, honest).
Then, off to the comic shop to get hold of the third Animal Man book. Except they didn't have any copies left. But the owner said that they were expecting some more either today (Wednesday) or Thursday, and if I left my phone number, they'd give me a ring when it came in. Did I mention how much I like that shop? I bought the cheap reprint of Andy Diggle and Jock's The Losers, which was a great heist story and well worth the $10.
After lunch, I went to the graveyard in the middle of the university (yes, I'm still not sure what it says about this place), found the Centre for Dramatic Arts, and got lost in the woods next door. Eventually, I found my way back to civilisation, and flopped into one of the new comfy chairs at the rebuilt union building (it's very cosy).
As the evening drew on, Laura called, comfirming that she could make it to the cinema tonight, so I wandered around the town for a few more hours, getting something to eat, and bumping into Leigh and Jo along the way.
Laura and Stacie met me outside the Carolina Theatre, and we headed off to see "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind". Go. See. It. Carrey turns in a performance that's even better than The Truman Show, the film is interesting and intriguing, it's visually stunning (borrowing ideas from Animal Man, funnily enough - and directed by the guy who did the Smirnoff cinema adverts from a few years ago - the one with the couple being chased by an army), and, not forgetting: Kate Winslet with blue hair.
The ending provoked some discussion over the nature of relationships, pessimistic versus optimistic outlooks on life, and resulted in two of us being pushed into the road ;-). Laura then suggested that we go back to her place to eat some ice-cream (Stacie fought long and hard over whether she should do her paper instead. A two minute knock-out performance). We picked up Stacie's friend Srav (that's not her whole name, but I fear I will mangle it beyond any resemblance if I attempt to go beyond that), and we had a great couple of hours talking about lemmings, strange things to do in a forest, delayed reactions, and the wild and varied acting career of Saddam Hussein. A fun night, although I hope we didn't keep Rebecca awake upstairs...