Is That Mos Def?

One of those fun remixes that manages to completely change how a song feels, transforming it from a wintery ballad to a summer smash. Unfortunately, it loses the piano part, but it makes up for that with a big airhorn. Oh yes.

Starts off like the beginning of a 1980s news programme, and then turns into a lush (ha-ha!) Saint Etienne-type piece. Quite nice. The album I've taken this from The Joy of Sing-Sing, was liberated from the second-hand department of CDAlley in Chapel Hill, for the measly price of $8. Plus, the man on the counter was very nice and friendly; we had a discussion about The Flaming Lips and The Jesus and Mary Chain.

This song ended up becoming Madonna's "Don't Tell Me", but here it is in its original version, a slow and haunting tango. Definitely worth a listen, and thanks again to Laura for bringing it to my attention. Oh, and his website even includes recipes

currently playing: Edwin McCain — I'll Be
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