An interesting gambit, combining the thorny issue of deforestation with an enjoyable, easy-to-pick-up game for children. Everybody likes monkeys.
It's Kerplunk. It's really Kerplunk. It couldn't be more like Kerplunk if it came with a big sticker that said "this game is Kerplunk. And here's some marbles--I mean monkeys."
(okay, so I assume that the reason that they've changed it is that marbles are probably more expensive to make than plastic monkeys — have a look at Hungry Hungry Hippos to see how the toy company has shaved a few pennies here and there by switching to plastic balls, but let me be indignant! I'm doped up on painkillers and cold medicine, dagnamit!)
Best of 2003: Outkast — Hey Ya
"Lend me some sugar — I am your neighbor!" — Need I say more? Oh, okay, if you insist. Infectious as all get out, funny, a tune that drives you straight to the dancefloor in an open-top convertible and a ticker-tape parade, and one of the year's best music video concepts. Will that do? No? How about the way the organ comes in during the chorus? Isn't it great?