Finally finished Words and Music. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, to be honest. It's a rambling mess, seemingly lacking an editor or a proofreader ("thier"?), it never really fulfills on the promise of the murder mystery, and it's nothing more than a bunch of lists, with twenty page digressions on Kraftwerk and Simon Fuller, and a chapter that's comprised mostly of footnotes. It's laughably pretentious, in all the ways you'd expect from Paul Morley.
And yet...it's wonderful. It's everything music journalism should be: joyful and serious, critical and reverential, obscure and populist, descriptive and vague, Missy Elliot and John Cage, modern and nostalgic, obsessive and shallow, optimistic and despondent, entertaining and informing, digital and analogue, left and right, mysterious and clear.
I'm going to steal just about half of it. Plus, tomorrow, I'm listening to Metal Machine Music. Be afraid…