A Confession

This needs to be addressed now, before I come back home: last Saturday, I accidentally called a football a soccer ball. I'm so sorry. I am willing to be sent to the English Re-Education Tea Camp as punishment.

New crazy guy in the Pit today. A proper crazy person; not somebody who was willing to have a theological argument. No, this was a man clutching a Bible, decrying the "homosexuals and lesbians that are teaching our children that we're descended from apes!" It was like watching a real-life Usenet troll in action. Including the part that I never understand about this type of person — he's been coming here since 1979. Surely, at some point, they must realise that people aren't listening to them? Couldn't they go and something more productive instead? Like construct a machine intelligence that can only be defeated with Shake'n'Vac?

There's probably only five people on the planet who understand that last sentence. And I'm not sure that I'm one of them.

I love the Internet. There's always someone ready to take things a little too far. Filthy nostalgia aside, there's nothing inherently scary about a site about the BBC Education show Look And Read When you see that they have a page dedicated to the precise transmission schedules (from the 1960s onwards), it's a little creepy. On the other hand, it's nice to know that someone is cataloging this type of history.

There might not be anymore entries on this site for the rest of the week; I'm apparently going to the Outer Banks for the weekend. I'll be leaving on either Thursday or Friday (I'm still a little hazy on the details), and come back on Easter Sunday. So if I don't have a chance beforehand, I hope everybody has a happy Easter weekend. But watch out for those bunnies.

currently playing: Low - Canada