Oooh. Safari has tabs.
Tomorrow's Buffy is one of the funniest episodes ever screened. Bonnie will be sorry for mocking poor Ms. Espenson...
Warner Bros. considering suing The White Strips for lifting lyrics from Citizen Kane. John Peel heard to be cackling quietly...
Apparently, a source of cruel and unusual entertainment can be found on Sky channel 647, home to Bid-Up TV. Watch Peter Simon have a nervous breakdown in real-time!
North Korea fires missile into Sea of Japan; America responds by calling for the liberation of the Iraqi people.
Epic Comics is coming back, in what seems like an attempt to prevent any on-line comic news service from being able to report on Marvel ever again.
Cheers and Homicide: Life On The Streets to be released on DVD. MGM release The Unforgiven in May, making my bootleg obsolete (but still no sign of How To Steal A Million, Two For The Road or The Nun's Story. Grr)
Terror Alert Level: Oh My God, I Can't Take It Anymore, I'm Just Going To Curl Up Into A Ball Until I Wake Up From This Nightmare:

Why is it that after I have a good time doing something, I spend the next few days depressed?