Umm. Yes. Before I went insane, I did have something to say. But yet again, I seem to forget what. I remember! I've come to the conclusion that the former occupant of this room was a NRA Republican, that has a rather strange fetish for bed linen. I'm not making this up; every two days, I get another catalogue full of towels, mattresses, and blankets. It's rather disturbing. What's that? I need to get out more? Understood.
Trust me Matt, you will feel better in the morning. If not, just apply more until your body goes numb. That way you get the benefits with none of the downsides...
A busy day tomorrow. I've got to change a course, go to three different lectures, make an answer sheet for the first homework, attend the Writer's Block meeting, and then make it back for a Floor meeting at 7:30pm. Should be fun.