
There's something deliciously strange about a mall which cheerfully pipes The Smiths through the overhead speakers.

Go and see Gangs of New York. It's not long enough, but it's filled with mayhem and violence. In. Top. Hats. There's nothing more that you can ask for, really.

Adaptation was like looking into a mirror for two hours, which was fairly unsettling. I did like the digs at Robert McKee (I'm still not sure why Hollywood is so in thrall to a man whose credits only seem to contain Mrs. Columbo and a Bible film) , and Donald's ever-increasingly insane screenplay was hilarious. I'm not sure when it's coming out in the UK, but you should try and see it when it does. Just ignore the last twenty minutes, and you should be fine.

Catch Me If You Can was rather different from what the trailer suggested - it's much slower than you'd think, but again I recommend that you give it a try (especially if you like fancy title scenes); Martin Sheen sings! Tom Hanks also tells the world's greatest Knock-Knock joke.

Kill Bill looks interesting, although the trailer gives little away other than UMA THURMAN TAKING NAMES WITH A SWORD. What more could you possibly want?

currently playing: Aimee Mann - High On Sunday 51
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