World's Biggest Idiot

Sometimes I could just shoot myself.

The 2004 Presidential Elections got a lot less interesting two hours ago, with Al Gore announcing he has no intention of running, I suppose that partly explains just how far he was prepared to mock himself and others on SNL last night (his turn as Trent Lott was great, and the West Wing sketch was quite amusing, if just a little sad). None of the hopefuls look very promising, and if Lieberman gets the nomination, they might as well disband now.

Finished the report. Not sure if I like anything that I wrote, but I hate writing experiments up, so that's to be expected. Tomorrow I'll be able to pick up the exams, and get started on the final marking.

Some comic links for today. I definitely recommend reading Paul O'Brien's evisceration of Captain America #6. Paul's reviews are consistently entertaining, but they're unmissable when he's reviewing something terrible. For those of you who want to relive part of their childhood (and get some insight to the early work of Grant Morrison at the same time), I've found a online archive of scans from Spider-Man and Zoids. It turns out that I probably bailed out far too early. In my defence, 50p meant I could afford only one comic a week, and Transformers was more interesting at the time I switched (plus for some reason I seem to remember that SM&Z became very scarce in Bicester around the same time I started buying Transformers UK. And I bailed before Morrison started). Grant wasn't kidding when he said elements of The Invisibles were in absolutely everything he wrote.

currently playing: The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping
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