I wish I had something exciting to talk to you about, but my absence for the past few days has been due to 10+ hour days of revising, supplemented by wandering around a very empty residence hall. Not many people hang around in the fall break apparently.
The backlog of films I want to see seems to be growing. Currently, the list is: Bowling For Columbine, The Rules of Attraction, Punch-Drunk Love, and The Truth About Charlie. Three of these films have been out for two weeks now, but they don't seem to be in a hurry to make it down to the Triangle region. The DVD list is getting longer as well; this week should see The Killer and Battle Royale arriving at Bicester, and we're getting closer to the release dates for Roman Holiday and Sunset Boulevard. I refuse to submit to the authority of the Christmas Zone. Unless threats are made, of course....