Credit Card Tales & Copyright Strikes

Last week, I realized I had mislaid my travel/restaurant credit card. I’d been lazy in cancelling it because I hadn’t got around to looking up what services are charged to that card and the other online accounts that are registered with it. It’s always an annoying process having to sort that out, and I just needed to work up the energy to be bothered to fix it.

Anyway, we went to the local Indian restaurant that we tend to go to at least once a fortnight…and as we were leaving, one of the owners came running out to give me back the credit card that I’d accidentally left there last week. So the moral of the story is always to have a local Indian restaurant to hand. Grace of India — Their chicken tikka is pretty amazing and can feed a family of four for about three days.

And! And! And! After, what…six months, the basement work is finally done! I can put things back to normal down there, rebuild the chocolate room just in time for Thanksgiving, and it means that we can also start planning out things for the Crazy Downstairs Escape Room / Murder Mystery. Hurrah!

Otherwise, I have been mostly spending the week thinking far too much about Horace and getting increasingly frustrated with people who seem to think that just because you can do something (i.e. copyright strikes), you have to do it. And like ‘fetch’, Horace is never going to happen. Almost nobody cared about him during the actual era of the Spectrum, for goodness sake. Making a few appearances in a YouTube series is…not exactly on the same level as making Mario a recurring character. I fear it’s only going to get worse with services like Antstream providing incentives for people to hoover up old IP and remove it from freely-available archives. I’m not a fan. I’m also not exactly looking forward to the day that Comcast discovers it owns the ZX Spectrum ROM code.